Thursday, May 10, 2012

Important Things

I'm here today to talk about something serious.

It's Twin Peaks. The greatest show of all time.

I first happened upon Twin Peaks last summer, in the middle of my teenage angst/My So-Called Life phase. I was into wearing ratty flannel shirts and painting my nails black when I felt particularly witchy.

So to me, decked out in the finest 90s wear Goodwill has to offer, Twin Peaks was the best thing ever. It had a dead homecoming queen with a coke problem, the most handsome Special Agent I have ever seen, and so, so many sassy sweaters and plaid skirts.

The show begins with the discovery of Laura Palmer's body, wrapped in plastic and washed up on a beach. Already it feels like a weird, slightly off soap opera--and really, that's what it is. Laura is the homecoming queen, a nice girl that everyone knew and loved. The town of Twin Peaks is taken aback by her death, and everyone is a suspect in the case to find her killer. 

Soon enough, Special Agent Dale Cooper (aka my very favorite fictional FBI agent, followed by Fox Mulder) shows up, acting all eccentric and weird. It's what he does best, I suppose. Damn fine coffee and whatnot.

Just look at that handsome face. Slowly, other members of the town are introduced. They all seem like caricatures of actual soap opera characters, which is probably the point. Twin Peaks is basically a soap opera for weird people.

The series has its ups and downs (I'm looking at you, second half of season 2) but stays enjoyable throughout, and the last episode is both nightmarish and extremely compelling. I highly recommend Twin Peaks to anyone.

Oh, and I should add, David Duchovny shows up in drag in the second season, so that alone is worth watching. Isn't he just lovely?

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