Thursday, January 19, 2012

Teenage Bedroom

Today I thought I’d post about something very important to me: my bedroom. There have been many versions of my various rooms, ranging from the pastel pink bedroom of my young childhood to my dorm room to now, my first apartment.

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Goodwill finds!

I love Goodwill. I always find something. This was my first goodwill trip in Boston and boy did I make a find!
This Hamilton Beach stand mixer! Just like the one my mom used to have!
They just don't make mixers like they used to. This one is sturdy and in purfect working order even after all these years. AND it was only $15 which just makes it that much better!

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Well hello there!

I’m Katie, I’m the other half. 

I’m finished with school and have moved to Boston with my fiancĂ© and our adorable kitten Dani.
She’s a rescue from Boston originally but has moved with me back and forth from school to home in Michigan and finally back to Boston. Luckly she don’t seem to mind car rides and even seems to enjoy people watching in the airport!

I’m a Star Wars fanatic!
Actually I would say I fallow the Star “Tri-Force,” Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate!
I’m still reading my way through the extended Star Wars univese but I’ve made a pretty good dent in it.

I love painting and making nerdy things with polymer clay. You can check out my Etsy store Katie and Kitten’s Crafts for Mario jewelry, Radish earrings and even custom pet paintings!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


I'm Kristen, one part of the Rats, Cats, and Other Stuff We Love blog. This being my very first post, I figured I'd do something of an introduction.

The boring stuff: I'm 20, and I study Women's Studies and Sociology at Central Michigan University. I'm in my third year here, and it looks like I have 2 more to go before I'm done.

The slightly more interesting stuff: I like sewing, feminism, Japanese, riot grrrl, and Netflix. Most of my days are spent at work and class, and at night I like to indulge in some tea and sew something pretty. Reading also takes up a big part of my time, and my favorite author is Haruki Murakami.

I have two pet rats named Margot Tenenbaum and Edie Sedgwick, and I love them very very much. They are the sweetest little critters, and they've only ruined a few of my things so far.

Recently, I started my own zine, called better days (which is also the name of an album by the Goo Goo Dolls, apparently). It's about anything I like and decide to write about--so far, I've covered Audrey Horne and Twin Peaks, Sylvia Plath, and my struggle with depression. It is laid out on 1-page, newsletter style. It is $1 (including shipping) on etsy, but I also accept trades, stamps, friendly letters, etc.

I can also be found on Tumblr!

-- Kristen